21eme Grand Prix d'Aviron les Culs Gelés 2017

Bravo à tous et notamment aux filles de VSN qui sont 7èmes sur 15 et 20eme sur 50 pour les hommes !


Les résultats de la 21eme édition du Grand Prix d’Aviron - Les culs gelés Grand Paris Sud. Compétition de 25 Km sur la Seine..

Ce fût une très belle édition qui a pu se déroulée sur un plan d’eau sans vent et sans courant et aussi sans pluie et neige. Celle-ci n’a fait son apparition que l’après midi après la compétition.


85 bateaux étaient présents sur l’eau, soit 425 rameurs dont 143 filles (34%) : 50 yolettes hommes, 15 yolettes femmes et 19 mixte H/D

Ils représentent 33 clubs. 16 équipes sont issues de clubs hors LIFA dont Liège et Seneffe venant de Belgique.

Une quarantaine de bénévoles ont encadré la compétition.

A noter que le premier bateau homme (Chambéry – Le Bourget) bat le record du bassin en 1h 40min 1sec  sur une yolette lite-boat.

C’est un superbe exploit car cela représente 2 minutes au 500m répété 50 fois d’affilé !

Pour l'équipage de Chambéry, le pedigree des rameurs explique le résultat. Vincent Cavard était vice-champion du Monde en 8 PL en 2015 à Aiguebelette, Banderia médaille de bronze aux championnats du monde en 8 PL à Milan en 2003, Damien Combes champion de France vétéran en 2x en 2015 et Gregory Coubart, bon rameur de niveau national en catégorie TC ces dernières années.

Les 4 premiers bateaux hommes sont sous les 1h50. La première mixte H/D (Château Thierry) est sous les 2 heures, la première yolette femme (Evry) sous les 2h10

Les résultats sont également disponibles sous le lien : http://avironcoudraymtcx.free.fr/GPAviron/Resultats/Resultats_21eGrandPrixAviron_Les_culs_geles_2017.pdf

Place Club Femme Ville Dossard     Equipe                                                                                          PK10 PK12.5 PK15 PK25 

7      VSN    5   Sèvres 69 LAHONDE O / SIMONIN A / BACCIALONE S / BOROT A // BERTHOLON A 00:57:00 01:16:46 01:32:43 02:20:57 

20    VSN    1   Sèvres 70 LEVASSORT H / MULLER D / GOSSET L / PUHARRE C // DI PEDE B 00:50:42 01:07:44 01:21:28 02:04:52 




Club d'Aviron du Val de Seine Nautique ile Monsieur 92 Sevres


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  • Flickr Filter options. expand / collapse
    Insert a Flickr photo. A working example:
    • [flickr-photo:id=7357144724, size=m, mintitle=999, minmetadata=999] (accepts only the parameters id, class, style, size, mintitle and minmetadata)
    To float single photos use [flickr-photo:id=9247386562, class="floatright"], [flickr-photo:id=9247388074, style="float:left;"] or use the AutoFloat module (recommended).

    Insert a Flickr album. Working examples:
    • [flickr-photoset:id=72157634563269642, size=s, num=8, tags=kids/men, media=all, sort=random, count=false, mintitle=999, minmetadata=999, heading=none]
    • [flickr-gallery:id=72157648989290536, size=q, num=4, sort=views]
    • [flickr-group:id=91484156@N00, size=q, num=8, tags=flowers, media=all, sort=random, count=false, mintitle=999, minmetadata=999, heading=none]
    • [flickr-user:id=lolandese1, size=q, num=6, tags=kids/men, media=all, sort=random, count=false, mintitle=999, minmetadata=999, heading=none]
    • [flickr-user:id=public, size=q, num=10,tags=Augusto Canario, filter=interesting, sort=views, extend=true]
    • [flickr-user:id=public, size=q, num=8,location=48.867556/2.364088, date=2015-01-11, filter=interesting, sort=views]
    • [flickr-favorites:id=lolandese, size=q, num=4, tags=tomosborn/people, media=all, sort=random, count=false, mintitle=999, minmetadata=999, heading=none]

    Common sizes:
    s : small square 75
    t : thumbnail, 100 on longest side
    q : big square 150
    m : small, 240 on longest side
    n : small, 320 on longest side
    - : medium, 500 on longest side
    x: Responsive slideshow (for group, set and user IDs only)
    y: Basic responsive slideshow (for set and user IDs only)
    The 'c' size (800px) is missing on Flickr images uploaded before March 1, 2012. Photos with non existing sizes will be skipped in albums.

    TIP: Not only the node body but also blocks make use of a text format. Build your own custom Flickr album block using the Flickr Filter syntax.

    PARAMETER EXAMPLES. Omitting a parameter will result in the default value to be used.
    id=lolandese1 : A photo, set, user or group ID. id=public grabs CC licensed public photos (only for [flickr-user:...]). Default: id=[undefined] (set in config).
      Find a Flickr group ID. Valid ID values: numeric ID (the one that contains a '@'), path alias, Flickr username or the user's email.
    class="floatleft foo bar" : Syntax as in HTML. Wrap the value in quotes (or not) and put spaces between multiple classes.
      Applies to the outer HTML element of a photo or album.
    style="float:left; border:solid 2px;" : Syntax as in HTML. Wrap the value in quotes (or not) and put semicolons between different style declarations.
      Applies to the outer HTML element of a photo or album.
    size=q : Big square (150px). The sizes x and y display a slideshow and ignore number, media, tags, location and sort settings.
      Default single photo: size=m, album photo: size=s (both set in config).
    num=4 : Display 4 photos. Default: num=6 (set in config). For albums only.
      If set to 1, the single image will behave as such. Heading and counter will be omitted, and float might apply.
      Used to display a single changing random or recent image.
    media=all : Display both photos and videos. Default: media=photos. For albums only.
    tags=kids/men : Separate multiple tags with a slash (/). Display all set, group or user photos that contain the indicated tags.
      Case insensitive, matches any tag, for photosets and galleries even partial. You can exclude results that match a term by prepending it with a - character.
      Public albums will only display photos that match all tags. Like on Flickr spaces are removed from tags (e.g. 'Victoria park' becomes 'victoriapark').
      For albums only.
    extend=true : Extend the tag filter to search for matching terms also in the Flickr photo title and description besides Flickr tags.
      Default: extend=true (set in config). For albums only.
    tag_mode=all : Matches 'all' defined tags (AND). The other possible value is 'any' (OR).
      If this parameter is omitted, 'all' is used if no Flickr user ID is known (public search), otherwise 'any' is used. For albums only.
    location=48.85837/2.294481/0.2 : Display photos within 200 mt from the Eiffel Tower. Lat/lon/radius (in km). Separate values with a slash (/).
      To get the coordinates for a location, right-click on a Google map and choose 'What's here?' or copy/paste it from the URL.
      Substitute the comma (,) with a slash (/). Optionally add a radius to force a major number of results to filter on (max. 32 km).
      If the radius is omitted it defaults to 14 meter and gradually expands to 32 km until a sufficient number of results are returned.
      Besides decimal coordinates also degrees are accepted, e.g. 2° 21' 50.72". For user and group albums only, also public.
    date=2015-01-11 : Display photos taken on 11 January 2015.
      Many accepted date formats (e.g. '11 Jan 2015'), also relative formats (e.g. 'first day of last month | last day of last month').
      Separate two date values with a vertical bar (|) to cover a timespan of multiple days. For user and group albums only, also public.
      Tip: Use a date in combination with a location to grab public photos of an event.
    heading=h3 : Wraps the album title in HTML tags. Use 'p' to apply no style or 'none' to suppress the title. Default heading=p (set in config). For albums only.
    sort=views : Display the most viewed Flickr photos first (popularity, slower response after cache clear).
      Other values: unsorted = recent as delivered by the Flickr API (fastest response),
      random (slower response after cache clear), taken (newest first), posted (newest first) , added (for groups only, newest first) and id (on photo ID, newest first).
      Default: sort=unsorted. For albums only.
    filter=interesting : Display the most interesting photos. Other possible value: relevant. For user and group albums only, also public.
    count=false : Suppress display of the counter under the album (e.g. 5 out of 124 on Flickr). Default: count=true (set in config). For albums only.
    mintitle=999 : Suppress display of the title in the photo captions for images below a width of 999 px. Default: mintitle=100 (set in config).
    minmetadata=999 : Suppress display of the metadata in the photo captions for images below a width of 999 px. Default: minmetadata=150 (set in config).

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